Monday 3 November 2008

National Novel Writing Month/ Happy Halloween!

Okay, so it transpires that November is National Novel Writing Month. And I'd never even heard of this glorious Internet-event before. Sure, I've heard of tosh like "Three Girls and a Cup" (Yes, no hyperlinkage. I may be a bore, but I'm keeping it clean and relatively shit free), and a bunch of other stuff. But no NNWM.

So, this year, I'm gonna attempt it. Yeah, I've got a gazillion other things I should be working on, but I really, really want to do this, so it's okay.

The goal is to write a 175 page novel (50, 000 words roughly), finishing before midnight on November 30th. The site also praises the crap you write -- and with a first draft, rest assured, you shall write crap. By the bucketful. But, as I previously stated, the crap is praised, and you get to join hands with other NNWM-ers in unity, knowing you've persevered. You also get a groovy certificate. Thus you need no other incentive. So, do it! Be my NNWM pal!

Also, hope everyone had a nice Halloween! Here's a couple of pictures from my second night dressed up as some skanky vamp (I'm the gimp on the right). Had an awesome night. First night we went on some ghost tour up near our local canal (that seems to be where our history is located . . . or something), and I had to walk around the woods drunk, with my white dressed tucked into my knee-high boots. Otherwise I'd be tripping around the joint. Not pretty or ladylike.

My vampire teeth look crappish here, but they were actually VERY cool. And sturdy. I know because I once bit Chris with them on -- he totally insisted, and I was like; "No . . . no! Okay!" Also, you can't see my tattoos/scratch marks, but they were also cool. My friend (to the left) was dressed as Sweeny Todd, but most folk thought he was a Butler. On account of this, I clicked my fingers and told him to get me a nice virgin. He wasn't impressed.


Anonymous said...

you're hott

M Shaw said...

Why thank you, Sir/Madam! You've made my night ;)

Anonymous said...

whoz the guy on the on the left hes kinda cute

M Shaw said...

Oh, hello there, Chris' Maw. I didn't expect to see you on here . . .

Very funny, Chris.

Anonymous said...

Haha . . . oops,as it turns out, that may not be Chris!

Oh dear. Yes, he's also single, if you're interested?


Anonymous said...

Yeah thanks for the vote of confdence there. Thinking it was me, appaling. Just because you may find it hard to believe that people do actually find me attractive . . . :P

P.S. Single and not looking. Sorry to dissapoint :P