Tuesday 25 November 2008

Tuesday Trailer of the Week

Street Trash (1987)

Are you tired of the same ol' routine? Bustin yer hump and gettin' nowhere? Drop out an' join the ranks of the few . . .

Okay, so ignore the first minute of this weeks trailer -- Street Trash isn't some stoner comedy. Yeah, sure, it is funny, but it's so much more than a mere comedy/horror. The effects are truly gross (perhaps reminiscent of early Troma), and maybe a wee bit offensive. But it's all done in the name of fun. Street Trash may be cheesy, shoddy -- actually the latter part of it's title is accurate, but it's very much entertaining, and worth tracking down.


wiec? said...

i loved this movie! i saw it when i was 15 and i haven't seen it since. i remember a friend of mine had the poster in his room and being very jealous.

M Shaw said...

Yeah, me too. I'm buying the DVD. I don't think my VHS will survive much longer -- it's on its last legs. But, a poster? That does sound nify. The jeslousy is undoubtedly justified.