Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Tuesday Trailer of the Week!

28 Days Later (2002)

I love the trailer for Danny Boyle's apocalyptic horror film, 28 Days Later. Urgh, but not so much the tedious debates still abound on imdb -- is it a zombie film, or not?! It's one of those questions which sparks a rare response in me; shut up, and enjoy the damn film! Of course, 28 Days is so much more than mere horror fodder -- it's entirely thought-provoking, inspiring a "what if" train of thought. And those images of a ravaged, seemingly desolate London? Absolutely astounding.

I love the bleary beginning; the pulsating lights and the subtitles, telling us a story without actually showing us the events . . . yet. John Murphy's instrumental track In the House in a Heartbeat is suitably eerie, creeping around in the background. It's a wonderful track, even if it has been a bit overused post 28 Days. Plus, what other horror trailer has a nude Cillian Murphy? Exactly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I referred to this film as a zombie movie once, and was vaguely interested when the person told me that in fact it was an "infection" movie, not a zombie movie. When I began to repeat this to my boyfriend, I got bored about halfway through my sentence and decided to never utter those words again.