Monday 22 September 2008

Groovy Website: Survive the Outbreak!

Soooo, we don't have a "Groovy Website of the Week/Month/Whatever", but I encountered a website today which is seriously making me reconsider.

Yes, if I had a fuckin' awesome award, this site would devour it whole.

Survive the outbreak is basically a 'Zombie choose your own adventure movie'.

You know, like those books you used to read as a kid . . . but with zombies, man! I used to be addicted to them, so now I'm pushing homework aside (again), and procrastinating for the next half an hour or so . . .


Anonymous said...

Bad girl :P Get home work done


M Shaw said...

You're cheeky.

Have you been on the website yet? I can't seem to win it. Even when I was wee I was rubbish at these games. :(